Special Covenants
The regular school day for teachers shall consist of a minimum of 7½ hours per day. On days when teachers have bus duty or other assignments, the day will be extended if deemed necessary by the principal and/or superintendent. Additionally, every teacher shall be available before or after school for parental conferences and to provide students with extra help. A doctor’s certificate may be required after three consecutive days of absence on account of personal illness, or any time there is a question as to the validity of the illness, or at such other times as School Board Policy requires or permits.
At all schools served by school buses, the principal will determine the number of teachers necessary to be on duty from the time the first bus reaches the school in the morning until the last bus leaves in the afternoon to insure the safety and welfare of the students.
Teachers’ salaries shall be determined by the salary schedule adopted by the school board. If the salary set down in this contract is not the correct salary for the teacher as set up by this salary schedule, or upon verification of experience and credentials, either one of the contracting parties has the right to request to have the salary changed so as to comply with the salary schedule adopted by the school board. If a teacher does not begin on the first work day, pay will be received for the exact number of days employed.
Employees shall observe the school calendar, attend and participate in all scheduled inservice and workdays in accordance with their assignment by the local school and county administration. Salary payment is contingent upon employees’ attendance. Teachers shall participate in professional development activities, faculty meetings and subject seminars related to the instructional program of the school and assist in the conducting of extracurricular activities. No more than one day of Personal leave shall be used for inservice workshop days. A physician’s excuse may be required for sick leave for an inservice workday.
All teachers shall meet the licensure and endorsement requirements of the Virginia Department of Education and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools for the grade or subjects which they are assigned to teach.
The salaries of persons employed are contingent upon the receipt of local, state, and federal funds. If such funds should not become available or should be curtailed, the contracts between the school board and those persons may cease without any further liability on the part of such employees or the school board. Washington County Schools reserve the right to reset salaries to funding levels for all teaching positions if the aforesaid funds are not received at expected levels.
All Career, Technical, Adult and Alternative Education classes must be approved by the Superintendent or Designee prior to the organization of the classes. Teachers will be paid for such classes in accordance with the policy of the Washington County School Board.
A teacher new to the Washington County School System who has been on a continuing contract in another Virginia locality shall serve at least a one-year (minimum of 160 days) probationary period in the county before being eligible for a continuing contract.
Coaching duties or other specialized assignments requiring extra duty hours over and above the regular teaching assignment, as well as the teaching assignment, will be assigned by the principal of the school and approved by the division superintendent each year. The extra duty specialized assignments will be compensated according to a scale approved annually by the school board. Compensation and duties may be added, changed, or dropped at any time depending upon the needs of the school and the qualifications of the members of the available faculty.
After the contract is issued, it may be terminated by the school board if the criminal records check reveals criminal convictions which are not identified and explained on the employment application.
Remedies for breach of contract could include filing a petition with the Board of Education setting forth all the facts in the case and pursue remedies prescribed by the Board of Education or other remedies consistent with law. A teacher who breaches the contract could be held responsible for the cost of advertising the vacated positions.
All personnel are required to follow Federal and State Laws, and Washington County Schools Policies and Regulations as specified in the Policy Manual.